Santa Cruzin'

Next stop of the trip, via a Half Moon Bay that was so foggy you couldn't see your hand in front of your face - let alone the possibility of the sea, was Santa Cruz.

A brilliant place, it's got that shabby, slightly neglected sea-side town feel, so reminiscent of many places back here, that just gives it a certain character rather than the twee cuteness of towns like Santa Barbara. I loved it.
So first day, we check out Steamer Lane, it was looking nice in the morning, glassy, shoulder-high, but with no boards, again we could only watch.
My bro, soon to be heading back to Canada was insistent he get in for a surf with us. The wind had got up a bit and there wasn't a chance I was going to attempt to ingratiate myself with the locals on a ten foot turd of epoxy at the lane, so the Bics at Cowells it was to be. This place, at the time mere knee high, was party wave central. Drop ins and straight-handers were order of the day, with no hard feelings and plenty of smiles. If you were lucky enough to score one to yourself though, unbelievably long rides. I imagine on a bigger day it'd be log heaven.


  1. I love this party wave pic! During a recent log session with some mates I had a similar experience when a few of the old boys called everyone in the lineup onto a wave. Reminded me heaps of the old footage you see from the 50's where there's like twenty dudes all crammed onto the one wave blissing out.

  2. It's fun for a few, at one point we were so close I got this random chick on the wave next to me to high 5!
    I've seen some pics of party waves in Japan with literally about 50 people on the wave, old school
