The year of the microadventure

I read quite a few blogs on all sorts of topics and they’re all inspiring in their own way. Whilst blog hopping one day I came across this chap. Now he seems to live the dream, endlessly adventuring and expeditioning, but one of his articles in particular captured me and it was this idea of the microadventure. For those of us not quite ready / willing / able to jack it all in and trot around the globe he puts forward an alternative. And I like it.
Here are some words of his...
  • This is the year of the microadventure: a whole year when, instead of exotic foreign adventures, I am committed to trying to encourage people to get outside, get out of their comfort zone, go somewhere they’ve never been, go on a microadventure. An adventure that is close to home, cheap, simple, short, and yet very effective. You do not need to fly to the other side of the planet to do an expedition. You do not need to be an elite athlete, expertly trained, or rich to have an adventure. Adventure is only a state of mind.....Go somewhere you have never been before. Ride hard. Get wet, cold and muddy. Laugh with your mates. Then relax, aching and exhausted, having earned your beer. Use Your Weekend.

Ultimately he's just labelled something we try to do anyway, but I like having a word for it. I like pondering and planning the next microadventure. As much as I’d like to be a lady of leisure I have a typical 9-5 job, so I’m all for making the most out of non-work time, squeezing in before or after work surfs now we have the light, going away for long weekends or even day trips.
Which brings me to our own microadventure we had a couple of weeks ago. I can be accused of getting into a bit of a surf spot rut, I have my favourites and I‘d happily visit them every time we’re graced with some good surf. However, my mister has other ideas and loves to get me out of my comfort zone and into new waters.
 For that I thank him.

A couple of weeks ago we packed up the van and headed east. With a stop en route to what is now possibly my favourite café in Cornwall for a quick bite of breakfast we ended up on a beach that I’ve only visited once before. Surf looked nice and the sun was blazing, in we got. It was a bit of a challenge safely navigating the log through a punchy shoredump, but once out there were some nice new waves to be had. We followed a surf up with fish and chips AND ice cream, felt like a proper little getaway and all in less than 12 hours.


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